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QO-100 Web SDR for Linux



You start any Linux computer (tested are Raspberry-PI, Odroid, Orange-PI as well as desktop computers with Debian compatible OS like: Ubuntu, Mint…). The WebSDR should run on almost all Debian compatible OSs. On non-Debian OSs (Opensuse, Fedora…) it usually runs as well, but the install scripts may have to be adapted, because libraries may have different names.

Then open a terminal and enter the following commands:

git clone
cd QO-100_SSB-WebSDR_DATV-WebSpectrum

the complete WebSDR is now on the hard disk which can be displayed with this command:


On the monitor it now looks something like this:


First, various libraries need to be installed. There are two utilities that do this work:

  • prepare_ubuntu (if you work with the RTL-SDR stick or the SDRplay).
  • prepare_ubuntu_pluto (if you work with the Adalm Pluto)

so you start one of these two programs:


additional software is now installed, which is done quickly.


For the SDRplay you have to install the driver from the SDRplay website. The driver can be found here

Choose the right driver for your hardware, download it (API) and install it. Then proceed as described here.

Creating the WebSDRs

ready-made programs are also available for this purpose, which create a WebSDR that fits the SDR receiver used. Available are:

RTL-SDR Stick (and compatible) … for receiving the narrow band SSB transponder

Pluto or SDRplay … for receiving the Narrow-Band SSB transponder as well as for the Wide-Band DATV transponder

due to the limited bandwidth the RTL stick is not suitable for the DATV transponder. However, it works very well for SSB.

according to the used SDR receiver one enters the following commands:

to create the WebSDR for the SSB transponder.


to build the WebSDR for the DATV transponder.


after a few seconds the WebSDR is ready, the finished program has the name “qo100websdr”.

en/qo100websdr/installation.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/10 19:26 by dj0abr