for common use check these checkboxes:
the others remain in default setting. Later you can play with the various setting elements as you like.
1. upper waterfall
this shows the complete QO-100 transponder, here you have a good overview of all running QSOs. To listen to a QSO, just click on the track in the waterfall:
the SDR will be tuned to this signal.
2. lower waterfall
In the lower zoom waterfall, it will now appear approximately in the middle:
the trace in the lower waterfall is slightly left of center in this example. We are working in SSB USB (Upper Side Band) modulation. To hear the signal it must be in the 0 to 3 kHz range, so we need to shift it up, there are 2 ways to do this:
The final tuned SSB signal looks like this:
it is between the thin blue lines in the listening area.
Web browsers require user intervention to turn on the speaker for security reasons. This is done by clicking the AUDIO OFF button. Here you can turn the audio on and off.
Once you hear the audio, you can use the mouse wheel to fine tune the SSB to the correct pitch. The volume is adjusted with the Audio slider.
The other controls are self-explanatory.
you can connect an ICOM transceiver (usually this will be the IC9700) via USB. If ICOM CAT is activated (top right) then clicking in the waterfall with the right mouse button will send the frequency to the transceiver and set it. When turning the frequency dial on the transceiver, the frequency is sent to the WebSDR, which follows the frequency of the IC9700.
Note the corresponding settings in the Setup.
you can connect an ICOM transceiver (usually this will be the IC9700) via USB. If ICOM CAT is enabled (top right) then clicking in the waterfall with the right mouse button will send the frequency to the transceiver and set it. When turning the frequency dial on the transceiver, the frequency is sent to the WebSDR, which follows the frequency of the IC9700.
Please note the corresponding settings in the Setup.