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Audio connection SDR console <-> HSmodem

For this description the virtual audio cable (VAC) from was used.

After installing the VAC cable you can open the Control Panel (Windows menu: “Virtual Audio Cable” - “Control Panel”)

You need two virtual cables, one for reception, the other for transmission. The tested settings can be seen in the picture, you can simply accept them.

Cables 1 and 2 can be seen in the “Cable” column on the left. Under Windows they appear with the designation Line-1 and Line-2 .

In this example we use the Line-1 cable for transmission and the Line-2 cable for reception.

Continue in the chapter SDR console settings .

ATTENTION new version of the VAC cable: additional setting:

without this setting you will get severe dropouts

en/hsmodem/sdrconsolevac.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/28 19:14 (external edit)