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Practical tips

if you have made all the settings of the SDR console, it should work fine.

However, there is one thing you should know about Windows: the level settings.

Both the output volume and the input level can be influenced at several places. This is important because a setting that is too loud will overload the signal and thus interfere.

Transmission level

is influenced in 4 places:

  1. HSmodem: audio playback
  2. Windows: the volume controls built into Windows
  3. SDR console: Gain (on the transmitter side)
  4. SDR console: Drive

this is the recommended procedure:

  • In HSmodem, the controller for audio playback in the middle position, the bar below it will then be yellow
  • Turn up the gain control in the SDR console until the ALC meter is around 25%
  • Set the desired output power in the SDR console with the drive controller

only if you don't achieve your goal (e.g. too quietly or too loudly) you change the volume settings in Windows.

Reception level

is influenced in 3 places:

  1. SDR console: set the volume control on the receiving side to approx. 80.
  2. Windows: leave the volume controls built into Windows as they are.
  3. HSmodem: Set the audio input so that the spectrum is in the green area (of course only if a signal is received) and the bar under the controller remains yellow.

only if you don't achieve your goal (e.g. too quietly or too loudly) you change the volume settings in Windows.

Frequency setting:

The frequency must not be changed during reception. The SDR console makes short interruptions when the frequency changes, which lead to data loss.

en/hsmodem/sdrconsolebetrieb.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/28 19:14 (external edit)